The Architects Alliance Inc.
TheArchitectsAlliance Inc.


We look forward to talking with you about your project.


The Architects Alliance Inc.

3675 Millstone Ridge Road

Blacksburg, VA 24060


Phone: (540) 242-1004


Shane Larkin, RA



Clark Lentz, RA



Or use our contact form.

After Modernization











The Architects Alliance has provided professional architecture & engineering services for numerous elevator modernization projects, including hydraulic and traction elevator systems. We are familiar with the complex requirements for modernization of elevator systems under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, the Virginia Rehabilitation Code, the Americans with Disabilities Act 2010 Design Guidelines, and the ASME Elevator Safety Code. Our past projects include hydraulic elevators in Curie Hall at Radford University, and Newman, Johnson & Owens Halls at Virginia Tech, and also include traction elevators in Lee, Pritchard, O’Shaughnessy & Slusher Halls at Virginia Tech.

Elevator Modernization Projects

Before Modernization
After Modernization
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